Dienstag, 30. Juli 2013

Ein neues Kapitel: Suedamerika. arrival and first impressions of Quito

It is really funny when you climb the steps to the first floor of a shopping mall in the middle of a big city and you feel your heart pumping like crazy!.:),... well, but I am on 2.800 m now!

ALL THE PICTURES ARE ON FACEBOOK as I cannot upload them on this computer!

Aehm, the start to Southamerica was a bit rough..
first.. 23.30 at LA airport. I was forced to book a flight out of Ecuador, which I will never use, only to be allowed to enter the plane via Panama to Quito. Stupid! I was really lucky, because Delia's boyfriend Pablo in Quito speaks English and booked me a flight. I was on my austrian phone, calling from LA to Quito, 30 min. before the gate closed. a bit of Adrenaline. and 300 USD wasted...

After a short stop in Panama airport the next plane took off towards Quito.
but. second. as there were strong winds blowing, we were forced to fly to Guayaquil in the south of Ecuador instead and had to wait 1,5 hours in the plane before we turned back and had a windy, rough landing. it was the first time i was really afraid in a plane, seeing all this creeks, gorges, rocky walls and hills around me...
Arriving in Quito, nobody wanted to see my (out of the country) ticket...

after that: third. 1,5 hours in a taxi cause of road works and long detours...until I finally arrived at the bus stop in Quito...

but the really good thing in all of that was that I had my seat next to Kate from Texas, USA, who currently lives in Quito with her husband who is a teacher here. more about this great woman in the next blog.

Delia, my travel friend's friend, came to pick me up and I fell asleep immediataly after arriving, 22 hours from door in LA to door in Quito...
In the eveneing we went out for my first Ecuadorina dinner with Pablo, and I took the tuypical potatoe soupo with cheese and avocado. yummie!

and then I had the best sleep  since a long time, though I was a bit short of breath even during the night...

on my fitrst day in Quito I took my time and went to the city center and lookout hill only from 12.00.
Quito is as large as Vienna with the same populaton 1,5 millions, but it seems like there were 4 millions and everyone is in a car. el trafico es loco!!

stellt euch den Katschberg vor, nur 5x so gross und um 1500 m hoeher und alles ueberzogen in der groesse von wien mit weissen haeusern, bis fast rauf zum ende der schipisten...

the city is a modern westernized city with everything from mc donalds, cartier, subway, louis vuitton, swarovski, shopping malls, parks, burger king, Hilton hotel, glass skyscrapers etc, and has a very beautiful historic center in spanish european style with a lot of churches and palaces. it is sooo nice to have some building culture and histopry aroundme again after the "nopthing" in Australia and New Zealand.

and there are bakeries and pastelarias and fruit smoothie shops with incredible cheap prices yummie yummie...

the plazas are beautiful and the view over the town from one of the many hills is gorgeous.

In the evening I cooked Kaiserschmarrn again for Delia and Pablo!

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