... es ist zwar schon halb zwoelf nachts. aber ich kann mit meinem vollen pastelaria Bauch eh nicht schlafen und ausserdem muss ich es ausnuetzen, dass ich bei Delia so einen guten PC habe, wer weiss wann ich wieder zum schreiben komme.
Ich kann es nicht glauben, das "bald" schon wieder alles vorbei sein soll. :((
7 monate ist lang, aber auch wieder kurz, die Zeit vergeht so schnell... dass ich wieder mit so viel Zeugs statt nur mit einem 15 kg Rucksack (und das ist noch zu viel!) leben werde. dass ich nicht mehr taeglich so viel Neues erleben, sehen und neue Menschen treffen werde.
Abgeshen von der Freiheit, die ich sooo gerniesse! Keine Pflichten, keine Temrine. Nur schauen, tun, machen...
in Australien und Fiji hatte ich ein paar mal einen "Haenger", weil mir einfach die Zeit zu lang und zu wenig gut genutzt war und weil ich auch viel Zeit allein verbracht hatte. und weil der Grazer Sommer toller ist als der Grazer Winter... Ich war noch nicht reisemuede oder erlebnisueberfuellt, sondern ein bisschen alleinsein-muede. Aber nun wo es ins neue suedamerikanische Abenteuer geht, und nicht mehr allein, bin ich wieder voll motiviert.
und ich weiss, es ist genau DAS was ich will. bei aller Vorfreude auf Graz und daheim, die ich auch habe, so ist doch noch immer eines klar:
ich habe mich in 7 Monaten nicht EINmal so nach daheim gesehnt, wie ich mich daheim nach WEGFAHREN und UNTERWEGS SEIN sehne.
Ich moechte noch viele Reisen machen, und hoffentlich auch noch ein paar lange.
Mein Kopf ist noch immer voller Ideen, wo ich gerne hin moechte (wer kommt mit mir nach Tansania, uebrigens, evtl mit Rad in einer Gruppe??!!) Ausserdem habe ich jetzt ueberall so viele neue Freunde und Bekannte, wo ich hinfahren koennte sollte moechte... :)
Und ich habe etliche Ideen, was man so alles ausprobieren koennte an jobs in der weiten Welt... Das sind vielleicht Flausen, aber es zeigt, dass ich mich auf der Reise gar nicht veraendert habe, sondern meine Seiten nur noch staerker zu Tage treten.
zB das neugierig auf Neues, Anderes sein. Zb das gut mit Menschen kommunizieren koennen. Mich gut auf Neues einstellenkoennen. Gut allein sein koennen.
Oder das mit dem Geduld haben zB... das hab ich noch immer nicht gelernt, aber es bleibt mir nichts anderes uebrig, als es zu akzeptieren wenn es nicht anders geht. Daheim werde ich aber wieder genau wie vorher hyperaktiv weiter leben, weil mir das einfach mehr Spass macht (siehe "mir ist fad" auf Fiji haha) :)
Und ich versuche noch immer, nicht (mehr) im vorhinein oder nachhinein zu jammern oder mich zu aergern... Ist noch immer nicht leicht aber geht schon besser. Ich hoffe, dass ich das mit heimnehmen kann. (hat mir jemand versucht beizubringen unterwegs...)
Ich wurde so oft bewundert, fuer das was ich da mache. Ich habe nie verstanden, was es da zu bewundern gibt? Man steigt in ein Flugzeug oder einen Bus, man redet mit Leuten, man fragt nach dem Weg... Genau wie auch daheim. Es gibt ueberall nette Menschen und ueberall bloede und ueberall kann was passieren. Was ist daran so bewundernswert? Die Welt ist voller Leute, die unterwegs sind, sich was trauen, was lernen, ausprobieren, suchen und finden, Erfahrungen machen, arbeiten, oder einfach nur auf Urlaub sind oder sich ein Land anschauen.
Und ob ich in Portugal nicht portugiesisch kann oder in Vietnam nicht vienamesisch, was ist der Unterschied?!
Je laenger ich unterwegs bin,desto leichter oder selbstverstaendlicher ist es auch. Noch dazu hatte ich von Anfang an unglaublich viel Glueck, die richtigen Leute kennenzulernen. Oder sind vielleicht eh nur die "richtigen", die, die dasselbe wuenschen und traeumen und tun, unterwegs?
Naja abgesehen von den jungen v.a. englischen und australischen Partytigern, mit denen ich mich nicht identifizieren kann. Aber auch das hat seine Berechtigung. Jung und dumm sein und Spass haben gehoert auch dazu. Aber ich habe auch so viele ganz junge tolle interessante Leute getroffen, die unglaublich was auf dem Kasten haben wie zb Kim aus Holland (18J.), die ein halbes Jahr in Fiji in einem Dorf in einer Schule als volunteer gearbeitet und im Dorf mitgelebt hat...
Aber auch die vielen kurzen Gespaeche mit irgendwelchen Leuten auf der Strasse oder die hosts, die so grosszuegig waren... So viel Positives durfte ich erleben!
Eine Fanzoesin hat mir mal gesagt: Betrachte das als Grosses Ganzes.Heute bekommst du vielleicht mehr als du zurueckgeben kannst, aber dafuer wirst du ein andres mal wieder mehr geben als du bekommst. Der Ansatz gefaellt mir und so verbindet sich "die Welt" in meinem Leben. Ich wurde unglaublich oft "reich beschenkt".
Und ich fuehle mich unglaublich privilegiert und bin dankbar, dass ich das alles tun und erleben kann. Auch wenn man sieht, wie viele Menschen nie aus ihrem Dorf oder Land wegkoennen und nichts von der Welt sehen. Ich finde es halt nach wie vor unglaublich bereichernd, auch wenn ich verstehe, dass viele ganz gern daheim sind und sich die Welt lieber im Fernsehen (oder in meinem blog) anschauen. Auch gut!
Ich kann nur sagen, es ist fuer mich jeden einzelnen Cent wert, den ich da investiere (auch Fehlinvestitionen und nicht so gute Entscheidungen waren dabei, aber am Ende ist das auch egal)
So meine lieben Leserinnen und Leser --- das war jetzt das laaaange Wort zum Dienstag. :)
Dienstag, 30. Juli 2013
A great day with great people in a great city
I know again what makes travelling so good: people!
After a few tired days I am again happy to be here in the middle of my trip and experiencing all this!
I had a wonderful breakfast with Kate.
Look at this KUGELHOPF (!!) please!!!
and this breakfast! and those sweets!
and I really felt a bit at home today.. (edificio Austria...)! :)
Kate... before living here in Quito, she and her husband lived in Tansania for 5 years...
she used to be a waitress, a massage therapist and turned out to be a baker, specializing in sculpted cakes (see this for example: http://pinterest.com/allisonwiggins/sculpted-cakes/ ), as she is also an artist... a great personality who also loves to travel and I hope to meet her in Sicily next year and maybe (Kate, I'm positive!) in Birma in a few years... :) and a great story teller, we had a fun time this morning!
I have to tell you a story she told me about a friend who went to live in Paris for a while when she was young. this could be a Woody Allen film scene!! :)
X decided to live in Paris for a while and was lucky to rent a private appartment in the middle of the city. and being Americn, she of course loved it! She decided to live like a real Parisienne and went out to the local market close to her appartment, with the typical basket on her arm and bought a bunch of flowers, a bottle of wine, a cheese, a baguette.. she couldnt have been more happy and was feeling SO Parisienne, she was enthusiastic! what a great city, what a great market, oh how Parisienne I am!
on the market there was also a stall with rabbits, oh how sweet those litte pet rabbits were!
the man who sold them asked her which one she liked most and if she wanted to have one! and she said yes! alittle pet rabbit for my paris appartment would be nice, and pointed on one.
the man took it, broke his neck, hooked it, skinned it, wreapped it into paper and handed it to her. she was so shocked that she could not even say STOP or anything else, and went home almost paralyzed where she forgot about the flowers and bread, opened the bottle of wine more or less immediately after breakfast and drank it as a whole just out of the bottle.
she was crying all morning, thinking: I am not even here for 24 hours and I KILLED an animal!
I had a good laugh about this sad story :)
After, I went to theprivate house and museum of the famous Ecuadorian painter Oswaldo Guayasamin which is situated in a GREAT and BIG villa above Quito.
and also to the capilla del hombre a big monument filled with his work
Looking for my way, I met a girl who looked Ecuadorian but turned out to be from Vienna!
her mum is from Taiwan. She is volunteering for 8 weeks in this museum before starting a history of art study in Vienna and gave me a personal guided tour through the house, thank you Lilly!
After, another fascinating young woman from Belgium, when I finally got my pedicure after 7 months:)
Matilde is volunteering with street children here for 4 weeks. She used to stduy sociology in Madrid and will go to Australia after summer holidays...
Well I have to admit I would like to be 20 again and have all these chances, and, most of all, this courage, to just conquer the world! like all those amazing travelling and working and stuying and experiencing young (and oldeR) people I met everywhere during my trip... it opens your midn and shows you what is possible. just DO IT!
To the national museum after, inhaling a bit of Ecuadors interesting past and art...
In the late afternoon I enjoyed a great sunset lookout from a hilltop restaurant with another biiiiig fruit juice :)
and I am tired again and happy that I can use Delia's computer.
More to come soon!
buenas noches
I know again what makes travelling so good: people!
After a few tired days I am again happy to be here in the middle of my trip and experiencing all this!
I had a wonderful breakfast with Kate.
Look at this KUGELHOPF (!!) please!!!
and this breakfast! and those sweets!
and I really felt a bit at home today.. (edificio Austria...)! :)
Kate... before living here in Quito, she and her husband lived in Tansania for 5 years...
she used to be a waitress, a massage therapist and turned out to be a baker, specializing in sculpted cakes (see this for example: http://pinterest.com/allisonwiggins/sculpted-cakes/ ), as she is also an artist... a great personality who also loves to travel and I hope to meet her in Sicily next year and maybe (Kate, I'm positive!) in Birma in a few years... :) and a great story teller, we had a fun time this morning!
I have to tell you a story she told me about a friend who went to live in Paris for a while when she was young. this could be a Woody Allen film scene!! :)
X decided to live in Paris for a while and was lucky to rent a private appartment in the middle of the city. and being Americn, she of course loved it! She decided to live like a real Parisienne and went out to the local market close to her appartment, with the typical basket on her arm and bought a bunch of flowers, a bottle of wine, a cheese, a baguette.. she couldnt have been more happy and was feeling SO Parisienne, she was enthusiastic! what a great city, what a great market, oh how Parisienne I am!
on the market there was also a stall with rabbits, oh how sweet those litte pet rabbits were!
the man who sold them asked her which one she liked most and if she wanted to have one! and she said yes! alittle pet rabbit for my paris appartment would be nice, and pointed on one.
the man took it, broke his neck, hooked it, skinned it, wreapped it into paper and handed it to her. she was so shocked that she could not even say STOP or anything else, and went home almost paralyzed where she forgot about the flowers and bread, opened the bottle of wine more or less immediately after breakfast and drank it as a whole just out of the bottle.
she was crying all morning, thinking: I am not even here for 24 hours and I KILLED an animal!
I had a good laugh about this sad story :)
After, I went to theprivate house and museum of the famous Ecuadorian painter Oswaldo Guayasamin which is situated in a GREAT and BIG villa above Quito.
a big collection of art from all centuries and countries and his own as well.
and also to the capilla del hombre a big monument filled with his work
Looking for my way, I met a girl who looked Ecuadorian but turned out to be from Vienna!
her mum is from Taiwan. She is volunteering for 8 weeks in this museum before starting a history of art study in Vienna and gave me a personal guided tour through the house, thank you Lilly!
After, another fascinating young woman from Belgium, when I finally got my pedicure after 7 months:)
Matilde is volunteering with street children here for 4 weeks. She used to stduy sociology in Madrid and will go to Australia after summer holidays...
Well I have to admit I would like to be 20 again and have all these chances, and, most of all, this courage, to just conquer the world! like all those amazing travelling and working and stuying and experiencing young (and oldeR) people I met everywhere during my trip... it opens your midn and shows you what is possible. just DO IT!
To the national museum after, inhaling a bit of Ecuadors interesting past and art...
In the late afternoon I enjoyed a great sunset lookout from a hilltop restaurant with another biiiiig fruit juice :)
and I am tired again and happy that I can use Delia's computer.
More to come soon!
buenas noches
Ein neues Kapitel: Suedamerika. arrival and first impressions of Quito
It is really funny when you climb the steps to the first floor of a shopping mall in the middle of a big city and you feel your heart pumping like crazy!.:),... well, but I am on 2.800 m now!
ALL THE PICTURES ARE ON FACEBOOK as I cannot upload them on this computer!
Aehm, the start to Southamerica was a bit rough..
first.. 23.30 at LA airport. I was forced to book a flight out of Ecuador, which I will never use, only to be allowed to enter the plane via Panama to Quito. Stupid! I was really lucky, because Delia's boyfriend Pablo in Quito speaks English and booked me a flight. I was on my austrian phone, calling from LA to Quito, 30 min. before the gate closed. a bit of Adrenaline. and 300 USD wasted...
After a short stop in Panama airport the next plane took off towards Quito.
but. second. as there were strong winds blowing, we were forced to fly to Guayaquil in the south of Ecuador instead and had to wait 1,5 hours in the plane before we turned back and had a windy, rough landing. it was the first time i was really afraid in a plane, seeing all this creeks, gorges, rocky walls and hills around me...
Arriving in Quito, nobody wanted to see my (out of the country) ticket...
after that: third. 1,5 hours in a taxi cause of road works and long detours...until I finally arrived at the bus stop in Quito...
but the really good thing in all of that was that I had my seat next to Kate from Texas, USA, who currently lives in Quito with her husband who is a teacher here. more about this great woman in the next blog.
Delia, my travel friend's friend, came to pick me up and I fell asleep immediataly after arriving, 22 hours from door in LA to door in Quito...
In the eveneing we went out for my first Ecuadorina dinner with Pablo, and I took the tuypical potatoe soupo with cheese and avocado. yummie!
and then I had the best sleep since a long time, though I was a bit short of breath even during the night...
on my fitrst day in Quito I took my time and went to the city center and lookout hill only from 12.00.
Quito is as large as Vienna with the same populaton 1,5 millions, but it seems like there were 4 millions and everyone is in a car. el trafico es loco!!
stellt euch den Katschberg vor, nur 5x so gross und um 1500 m hoeher und alles ueberzogen in der groesse von wien mit weissen haeusern, bis fast rauf zum ende der schipisten...
the city is a modern westernized city with everything from mc donalds, cartier, subway, louis vuitton, swarovski, shopping malls, parks, burger king, Hilton hotel, glass skyscrapers etc, and has a very beautiful historic center in spanish european style with a lot of churches and palaces. it is sooo nice to have some building culture and histopry aroundme again after the "nopthing" in Australia and New Zealand.
and there are bakeries and pastelarias and fruit smoothie shops with incredible cheap prices yummie yummie...
the plazas are beautiful and the view over the town from one of the many hills is gorgeous.
In the evening I cooked Kaiserschmarrn again for Delia and Pablo!
ALL THE PICTURES ARE ON FACEBOOK as I cannot upload them on this computer!
Aehm, the start to Southamerica was a bit rough..
first.. 23.30 at LA airport. I was forced to book a flight out of Ecuador, which I will never use, only to be allowed to enter the plane via Panama to Quito. Stupid! I was really lucky, because Delia's boyfriend Pablo in Quito speaks English and booked me a flight. I was on my austrian phone, calling from LA to Quito, 30 min. before the gate closed. a bit of Adrenaline. and 300 USD wasted...
After a short stop in Panama airport the next plane took off towards Quito.
but. second. as there were strong winds blowing, we were forced to fly to Guayaquil in the south of Ecuador instead and had to wait 1,5 hours in the plane before we turned back and had a windy, rough landing. it was the first time i was really afraid in a plane, seeing all this creeks, gorges, rocky walls and hills around me...
Arriving in Quito, nobody wanted to see my (out of the country) ticket...
after that: third. 1,5 hours in a taxi cause of road works and long detours...until I finally arrived at the bus stop in Quito...
but the really good thing in all of that was that I had my seat next to Kate from Texas, USA, who currently lives in Quito with her husband who is a teacher here. more about this great woman in the next blog.
Delia, my travel friend's friend, came to pick me up and I fell asleep immediataly after arriving, 22 hours from door in LA to door in Quito...
In the eveneing we went out for my first Ecuadorina dinner with Pablo, and I took the tuypical potatoe soupo with cheese and avocado. yummie!
and then I had the best sleep since a long time, though I was a bit short of breath even during the night...
on my fitrst day in Quito I took my time and went to the city center and lookout hill only from 12.00.
Quito is as large as Vienna with the same populaton 1,5 millions, but it seems like there were 4 millions and everyone is in a car. el trafico es loco!!
stellt euch den Katschberg vor, nur 5x so gross und um 1500 m hoeher und alles ueberzogen in der groesse von wien mit weissen haeusern, bis fast rauf zum ende der schipisten...
the city is a modern westernized city with everything from mc donalds, cartier, subway, louis vuitton, swarovski, shopping malls, parks, burger king, Hilton hotel, glass skyscrapers etc, and has a very beautiful historic center in spanish european style with a lot of churches and palaces. it is sooo nice to have some building culture and histopry aroundme again after the "nopthing" in Australia and New Zealand.
and there are bakeries and pastelarias and fruit smoothie shops with incredible cheap prices yummie yummie...
the plazas are beautiful and the view over the town from one of the many hills is gorgeous.
In the evening I cooked Kaiserschmarrn again for Delia and Pablo!
Samstag, 27. Juli 2013
Sta Monica, Venice Beach, Hollywood
Amerikanischer als hier in Kalifornien geht es fast nicht....
594 Fotos in 3 Tagen, haha - hier ein mini Auszug!
alt und jung, reich und arm, schoen (ziemlich viele gut gebaute fitte Menschen hier)und schiach, Konsumwahnsinn, Konsumlust, trash and luxury, hip and posh, food paradise, freaks, Strassenkuenstler, viele viele Sandler (and Marihuana is legal here)
Sta monica ist echt nett udn schoen, Venice Beach ist der totale Ramsch, die Haeuser and der Ocean Promenade alt und schiach, aber der lange Rad und Lauf und Skater und Spazierweg sehr schoen.
17 Mio leben im Grossraum LA und dazu kommen noch mind. eine Mio Touristen...
Wichtig hier:
frozen yoghurt
Hatte eine tolle Spanischlehrerein, Odilia aus Buenos Aires, und Yoga war ich auch ;)
Hat mir Spass gemacht.
Und in 4 Stunden fliege ich nach Ecuador.
und Schwarzeneggers Restaurant Schazti's on Main St. ist seit Jahren geschlossen.
Kein Schatzi mehr ;)
manche sind vor lauter shoppen ziemlich erschoepft
Converse Shop
eine slim calm sexy Traumreise, southbound :)
594 Fotos in 3 Tagen, haha - hier ein mini Auszug!
alt und jung, reich und arm, schoen (ziemlich viele gut gebaute fitte Menschen hier)und schiach, Konsumwahnsinn, Konsumlust, trash and luxury, hip and posh, food paradise, freaks, Strassenkuenstler, viele viele Sandler (and Marihuana is legal here)
Sta monica ist echt nett udn schoen, Venice Beach ist der totale Ramsch, die Haeuser and der Ocean Promenade alt und schiach, aber der lange Rad und Lauf und Skater und Spazierweg sehr schoen.
17 Mio leben im Grossraum LA und dazu kommen noch mind. eine Mio Touristen...
Wichtig hier:
frozen yoghurt
Hatte eine tolle Spanischlehrerein, Odilia aus Buenos Aires, und Yoga war ich auch ;)
Hat mir Spass gemacht.
Und in 4 Stunden fliege ich nach Ecuador.
Der Temmel Eisshop ist sowas von crap und trash, direkt peinlich!
aber manchen schmeckt es trotzdem/
und Schwarzeneggers Restaurant Schazti's on Main St. ist seit Jahren geschlossen.
Kein Schatzi mehr ;)
falls ich doch noch ein Star werde, ist hier noch Platz fuer meinen Namen!
manche sind vor lauter shoppen ziemlich erschoepft
Converse Shop
Montag, 22. Juli 2013
Good bye Fiji
Fiji is well worth another visit! I really liked this country and it`s people! Lots of more places to go and see.
It is really beautiful, clean and well developed and easy to travel.
Especially the mountains and the people in the villages have touched my heart, more than the beaches.
I visited the childrens/ orphanage house St Christopher's in Suva, where Sr. Kalo from Tonga is one of the 3 nuns who run it. 27 children live there. I hope to be able to fundraise for them when I will be back home.
Zumba is totally in in Suva!
Beach house
Aua, hab gedacht er fallt mir ab, aber es wird schon wieder. Penicillin sei dank.
entspannter als ich!
Mit Ernesto im Garden of the sleeping giant
letzter sunset auf der Libertee

mit nettem Besuch Steve aus Jersey (Channel island), seit 3 Jahren mitsamt Ehefrau am Boot unterwegs.
After some days of rain and a nice stopover in www.fijibeachhouse.com I spent and spend my last nights with Ernesto on the boat again and close to Nadi in a last hostel.
I will be leaving the island(s) on wednesday. I will spend 3 days in Santa Monica, California, and fly to Quito, Ecuador on next Sunday. There I will be travelling with my swiss friend Ariane for 4 weeks to Peru, until Huaraz, and after meet Anna in Lima on 5th of september.
I cannot believe how fast the time flies by. only 3 countries and 3 months left. It will be autumn soon...
I am looking forward to seeing the mountains soon, to have fresh clean air, and to travel with my friend Ariane from Switzerland. I enjoyed travelling alone most of the time, but there are also some "dead times" when the day can really be loooong... like today and tomorrow.
hope you read me soon again from Southamerica!
It is really beautiful, clean and well developed and easy to travel.
Especially the mountains and the people in the villages have touched my heart, more than the beaches.
Traumwetter in Suva
I visited the childrens/ orphanage house St Christopher's in Suva, where Sr. Kalo from Tonga is one of the 3 nuns who run it. 27 children live there. I hope to be able to fundraise for them when I will be back home.
Zumba is totally in in Suva!
Beach house
Aua, hab gedacht er fallt mir ab, aber es wird schon wieder. Penicillin sei dank.
entspannter als ich!
Mit Ernesto im Garden of the sleeping giant
letzter sunset auf der Libertee
mit nettem Besuch Steve aus Jersey (Channel island), seit 3 Jahren mitsamt Ehefrau am Boot unterwegs.
After some days of rain and a nice stopover in www.fijibeachhouse.com I spent and spend my last nights with Ernesto on the boat again and close to Nadi in a last hostel.
I will be leaving the island(s) on wednesday. I will spend 3 days in Santa Monica, California, and fly to Quito, Ecuador on next Sunday. There I will be travelling with my swiss friend Ariane for 4 weeks to Peru, until Huaraz, and after meet Anna in Lima on 5th of september.
I cannot believe how fast the time flies by. only 3 countries and 3 months left. It will be autumn soon...
I am looking forward to seeing the mountains soon, to have fresh clean air, and to travel with my friend Ariane from Switzerland. I enjoyed travelling alone most of the time, but there are also some "dead times" when the day can really be loooong... like today and tomorrow.
hope you read me soon again from Southamerica!
Mittwoch, 17. Juli 2013
Fiji 5: contrasts in Suva
I met Michael from California, who teaches in the international school here, already in Volivoli last week
the Rugby players (THE sport here) are in a pretty good shape!
old and new wolds colide...
Having coffee with Daniel from Germany, member of the Rucksack Club,
who was in Navala with me last week!
Market and market.... old and new style... There is even an Apple Store. What a contrast to the shop in Lavena 2 days ago...
Lavena, 2 days ago.
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